
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的外周神经项目是皇冠hga025同类项目中最全面的治疗项目之一. We work closely with multiple specialists to offer personalized care.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 excellence in peripheral nerve disorders

我们周围神经项目的专家提供协作的,最先进的护理. 我们是皇冠hga025外周神经修复和修复的最高容量中心之一. 我们的医生积极研究和治疗所有类型的周围神经疾病, 损伤和肿瘤.


Multispecialty治疗: Our experts work closely with multiple specialists, including 整形外科医生, 胸的外科医生, 头颈外科医生 血管外科医生. 我们是皇冠hga025唯一一家以团队为基础治疗周围神经疾病的机构.

全方位、协调的护理: 患者可以在一个环境中使用我们提供的所有程序,简化他们的护理. 我们可以很容易地根据需要进行转诊,并且可以轻松地访问皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的各种专科医生.

医生的专业知识: 我们的专家在周围神经紊乱方面接受过高级研究员培训, allowing us to offer the most comprehensive care possible for these conditions. As an academic center, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 offers a high level of care and expertise.

最先进的技术: 我们使用最先进的设备来诊断和治疗周围神经疾病. Our operating rooms feature the most modern technology, 包括图像引导, 机器人和计算机辅助.

研究重点: We are actively involved in leading-edge research on peripheral nerve disorders, 伤害和治疗. 我们的研究包括与世界一流的皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康生物工程师合作,研究新的和创新的治疗方案, such as artificial nerves and advanced nerve stimulation technology.


Peripheral nerves are the nerves outside the spinal cord and brain. They carry messages between the brain and the rest of the body. An injury or disorder may interrupt these nerve signals, causing a range of symptoms that may alter sensation, 产生疼痛或造成虚弱.


臂丛损伤: 对神经的损害,从颈部开始,延伸到手臂和手,可能导致瘫痪

颈动脉体肿瘤: 颈动脉一种生长在颈部一侧的赘生物,在那里,向大脑输送血液的大血管(颈动脉)分裂成更小的血管分支

腕管综合症: 压迫从前臂到手掌的正中神经

面部疼痛: Any type of pain that affects the face and mouth region, possibly arising from conditions that affect the trigeminal nerve

纤维瘤: Tumors that grow on nerves, leading to soft bumps on or beneath skin

枕神经痛: Pain in the nerves that run from the base of the neck through the scalp, often 导致尖锐 or burning pain at the back of the head

周围神经病变: Nerve damage that causes numbness or weakness in the hands or feet

腓神经压迫: Irritation or pinching in the peroneal nerve, 坐骨神经的分支,控制帮助脚趾和脚踝抬起的肌肉

神经鞘瘤: 起源于雪旺细胞的肿瘤,这种细胞支持和保护神经细胞

胸廓出口综合征: 胸痹以压迫或刺激胸廓出口处的血管或神经为特征的一组疾病, the space between the first rib and collarbone 

外伤性神经损伤: 任何由外伤引起的神经损伤,如车祸、跌倒或运动损伤

三叉神经痛: A chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve in your head, 导致尖锐, electric-like pain along the lower portion of the face and jaw

尺神经压迫: 尺神经是手臂的三个主要神经之一,受到刺激或挤压


我们的周围神经专家进行全面的评估,以准确诊断周围神经损伤和疾病. We offer a wide range of advanced, effective treatment options.

Peripheral nerve disorder diagnosis

We use a variety of diagnostic tests, including:

肌电图(EMG): This test measures the electrical activity in muscles and nerves. The provider places a needle through the skin and into certain muscles, then asks the patient to contract these muscles. 电活动用图形显示在一种叫做示波器的设备上. 

印迹先生: 与传统的核磁共振成像类似,这种测试使用磁铁和无线电波来观察神经. 我们使用最先进的核磁共振扫描仪来准确地观察周围神经. 病人躺在核磁共振成像仪里, which looks like a cylinder open at both ends, 当机器拍照时.

神经传导研究: This test measures the speed at which electrical signals move through nerves. The provider attaches metallic pads to the patient’s skin, then stimulates nerves with mild electrical impulses. 电极检测脉冲, allowing providers to calculate how fast the impulse moves between nerves.

Positron emission tomography (PET) scan: This test evaluates the function of different tissues and organs. It uses an injection of a special dye with a radioactive tracer. The tracer collects in areas of the body with high chemical activity, showing up brightly on the PET scan.

束状图和弥散MRI: 神经束造影使用来自特殊扩散核磁共振成像的数据来创建神经束的3D图像. Diffusion MRI measures how water molecules move in tissue. 当我们观察水分子如何沿着大脑的白质或线路移动时, it can give us information about brain injuries and damage.


We offer a wide range of advanced procedures, including:

深部脑刺激(DBS): Our highly trained neurosurgeon can implant electrodes within the brain. 这些电极连接到放置在胸部的电池组(发电机)上,向目标大脑区域发送小的电脉冲. DBS可以治疗面部或身体疼痛,而其他侵入性较小的技术对这些疼痛没有反应.

Dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) lesioning: 神经外科医生进行精细的手术,烧毁脊髓的小区域(背根进入区),以消除异常的疼痛信号. DREZ损伤可减轻70%左右周围神经损伤患者的疼痛, particularly specific types of injuries often seen after accidents.

神经减压: 神经外科医生在受影响的神经附近做一个小切口,小心地移走血管, scar tissue or tumors compressing the affected nerve. We may use this to treat occipital neuralgia, 梨状肌综合症, 腓神经压迫, carpal tunnel syndrome or ulnar nerve compression. 

神经修复: 在严重的损伤中,神经可能会受损到无法自行愈合的程度. 神经外科医生可以通过手术切除神经的受损部分,并重新连接起功能的神经末梢. This may be a treatment for brachial plexus or traumatic nerve injuries.

神经移植: A surgeon removes the damaged portion of a nerve, then replaces it with a piece of nerve (graft) from another area of the body. This procedure may treat severe traumatic or brachial plexus nerve injuries. 

精神疲惫: Scar tissue may form after an injury or surgery and compress a nerve. 在神经松解术中,外科医生小心地从受影响的神经上去除疤痕组织以释放它. The procedure is similar to nerve decompression.

周围神经刺激: 外科医生在皮肤下的特定周围神经附近放置一根小导线(电极). The electrodes connect to a generator, which sends electrical impulses to the nerves to disrupt pain signals. This treatment may be an option for nerve injuries, 三叉神经痛, occipital neuralgia or peripheral neuropathy.

射频消融术: 神经外科医生使用x射线引导针头穿过皮肤,将其定位在周围神经上. 这种技术使用射频加热来降低神经向大脑发送疼痛信号的能力. This option effectively treats 三叉神经痛 in 70% to 80% of patients.

脊髓刺激: 神经外科医生在脊髓附近植入一根或多根带有电极的导线. 导线连接到插入在腰围周围皮肤下面的发电机上. 然后,发电机充当起搏器,向脊柱发送电脉冲. 病人可以用遥控器控制发电机,这样它就会在需要的时候发出脉冲来干扰疼痛信号. This surgical option can treat chronic pain or peripheral neuropathy.

迷走神经刺激: 迷走神经刺激器(VNS)是一根缠绕在颈部特定周围神经(迷走神经)上的小导线. It connects to a pulse generator placed under the skin in the upper chest. 导线持续或根据需要向迷走神经发送小的电脉冲. VNS is useful in treating certain forms of epilepsy and depression, and for enhancing post-stroke rehabilitation.


我们的医生是检测、诊断和治疗周围神经疾病的专家. 我们有先进的专业培训,使我们能够为这些条件提供全方位的可用程序. Patients benefit from a multispecialty, coordinated care approach.



神经学, 神经肌肉的药
神经放射学, 诊断放射学

迈克尔·C. 马里兰州的坟墓


呼叫 310-825-2631 to request an appointment with a peripheral nerve specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


We actively diagnose and treat a wide variety of peripheral nerve disorders, 使用最先进的技术. 呼叫 310-825-2631 了解更多有关我们的服务.